Illinois Navy Veterans Affected by Mesothelioma Pushed to Seek
Financial Compensation
Navy veterans are being advised by The Illinois Mesothelioma Victims Center to work
with mesothelioma attorney Erik Karst to attain financial compensation for this asbestos caused
disease. Erik Karst is the founding partner of the law firm Karst von Oiste. The law firm
specializes in cases involving US veteran who suffer from asbestos induced mesothelioma.
The firm states that, "While the best possible mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung
cancer compensation might be deserved, a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma or asbestos
exposure lung cancer in Illinois will need to retain the services of one of the nation's most
skilled and experienced mesothelioma attorneys to earn a top financial settlement result for
their clients. Furthermore, please do not fall for Internet ads that suggest 'no lawsuit needed,'
or that 'mesothelioma compensation is a result of submitting a veteran's claim form.’”
They are offering direct access to their top lawyer at the firm, Erik Karst, for US Navy
veterans specifically. The Illinois Mesothelioma Victims Center has strongly urged veterans to
take advantage of this offer.
US Navy Veterans are among one of the highest represented groups in America to have
developed Mesothelioma due to their line of work. This is particularly true for Veterans who
were working from 1950-1980. Along with Navy veterans, other high risk groups are being
encouraged to take action and seek financial compensation. Among these includes power plant
workers, oil refinery workers, steel mill workers, manufacturing or factory workers, plumbers,
electricians, auto mechanics, welders, pipefitters, machinists, public utility workers, and
construction workers.
With this offer from Karst von Oiste, Veterans across Illinois will be able to secure
financial compensation for asbestos induced mesothelioma.
Financial Compensation
Navy veterans are being advised by The Illinois Mesothelioma Victims Center to work
with mesothelioma attorney Erik Karst to attain financial compensation for this asbestos caused
disease. Erik Karst is the founding partner of the law firm Karst von Oiste. The law firm
specializes in cases involving US veteran who suffer from asbestos induced mesothelioma.
The firm states that, "While the best possible mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung
cancer compensation might be deserved, a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma or asbestos
exposure lung cancer in Illinois will need to retain the services of one of the nation's most
skilled and experienced mesothelioma attorneys to earn a top financial settlement result for
their clients. Furthermore, please do not fall for Internet ads that suggest 'no lawsuit needed,'
or that 'mesothelioma compensation is a result of submitting a veteran's claim form.’”
They are offering direct access to their top lawyer at the firm, Erik Karst, for US Navy
veterans specifically. The Illinois Mesothelioma Victims Center has strongly urged veterans to
take advantage of this offer.
US Navy Veterans are among one of the highest represented groups in America to have
developed Mesothelioma due to their line of work. This is particularly true for Veterans who
were working from 1950-1980. Along with Navy veterans, other high risk groups are being
encouraged to take action and seek financial compensation. Among these includes power plant
workers, oil refinery workers, steel mill workers, manufacturing or factory workers, plumbers,
electricians, auto mechanics, welders, pipefitters, machinists, public utility workers, and
construction workers.
With this offer from Karst von Oiste, Veterans across Illinois will be able to secure
financial compensation for asbestos induced mesothelioma.