What to look for in an asbestos company
If you have decided to hire an asbestos professional testing company to test building materials for you, There are some things you should consider while you are trying to decide who to use.
One of the most important things to consider is how much experience does the asbestos testing company have. If an asbestos professional has been testing for three or four years or more the results are going to be much more trustworthy than a brand new company that has only been doing it for a few months. There's more to testing asbestos than simply performing a chemical test. It also requires experience in a lot of different testing situations to know which materials need to be tested, which materials can be ignored, and which materials are potentially dangerous to the people living and working nearby. An asbestos testing company with a lot of experience will be able to handle all of these types of issues without a problem.
It is also important to ask if the asbestos testing company has insurance. It is possible that some damage could occur to your property or home and you want to make sure that the asbestos testing company has insurance that will cover that. Make sure they have general liability insurance that could cover any damage that would take place during the asbestos testing process.
Certification is another requirement to look for. There are specific courses and accreditations in Illinois that an asbestos professional needs. Specifically, asbestos contractors need a license from the Illinois Department of Public Health. If you are trying to hire an asbestos testing company and they are not licensed to perform the work, avoid them. Specifically if they're trying to perform work in Cook County without a permit this is a signal that either they are not certified or perhaps they don't have the proper Insurance to perform asbestos work in Illinois or in Chicago or Cook County.
Do the asbestos testing workers where any kind of protective clothing? Obviously if it is simply someone coming to give you an estimate they may not wear extreme protective clothing, but if there are other contractors or employees in the van it should be obvious that they have protective clothing available or perhaps they are even wearing it. You want to make sure that any company that you hire is taking the proper precautions and knows what they're getting into. A fly-by-night operation may not have the proper equipment or proper protective clothing. this could be a sign that they also might not properly set up the workspace to protect you and your family from Airborne asbestos fibers that can result from the testing or removal process.
And lastly make sure before any work begins that you get a written estimate that contains all the details of what it will cost. Don't work off of a verbal contract or a handshake. Asbestos testing and asbestos removal are dangerous procedures and if your contractor is not careful enough to write down an estimate for you, it should make you doubt how competent they will be.
adxasbestos removal.com 125 S Clark St Chicago, IL